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Softa SuperStore

04.06.2024 • • 02:05

ark. 10.30 - 16
09 - 3424 370



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Corel yrityslisenssit

Corel Transactional Licensing (CTL)

Corel Transactional Licensing –ohjelma on helppo tapa hankkia lisenssejä. CTL-lisenssien ostaminen ei edellytä erillisen sopimuksen tekemistä ja mukaan pääsee jo yhden ohjelmistolisenssin hankinnalla. Alarajaa tilaukselle siis ei ole. Sen sijaan CTL tarjoaa mahdollisuuden helpompaan ohjelmistojen käyttöönottoon ja lisenssimäärien hallinnointiin sekä säästöjä ohjelmistojen hankintahinnassa.

Mitä suurempi lisenssihankinnan volyymi on, sitä edullisemmalla kappalehinnalla lisenssit voi ostaa. Jokaiselle tuotteelle on viisi ostomäärään perustuvaa alennustasoa, mutta alennusryhmien kappalemäärät vaihtelevat tuotteittain.


Sopimuksen kesto?

Kaikenkokoiset yritykset, julkishallinto, oppilaitokset




1 lisenssi




Saatavana erikseen

Hankittava erikseen

CTL-lisenssien oston yhteydessä on mahdollista hankkia tuotteille myös ylläpitosopimus. Kahden vuoden mittainen ylläpitosopimus oikeuttaa uusien ohjelmistoversioiden käyttöönottoon. Ylläpito oikeuttaa paitsi tulevien uusien versioiden käyttöön, sen avulla on luvallista käyttää vaihtoehtoisesti myös yhtä versiota vanhempaa ohjelmistoa kuin mihin lisenssi on hankittu.

Corel Contractual Licensing (CCL)

Keskikokoiselle ja suurille yrityksille suunnattu Corel Contractual Licensing –lisenssi- ohjelma mahdollistaa Corel-ohjelmistojen lisensoinnin edullisella kappalehinnalla. Aloitusvaatimuksena on vähintään 25 000 euron arvoinen tilaus. CCL-sopimus on vuoden voimassa ja sen aikana voi hankkia lisälisenssejä samalla alennustasolla. Sopimuksen päättyessä sopimusta on mahdollista jatkaa ja samalla tarkistetaan alennustaso. CCL-lisenssit jakautuvat 5 alennustasoon, joiden rajat ovat tuotekohtaisia.


Sopimuksen kesto?

Suuret ja keskisuuret yritykset, oppilaitokset

1 vuosi



25 000 € arvoinen tilaus (oppilaitokset min. 10 000 €)

1 lisenssi



Saatavana erikseen

Hankittava erikseen

CCL-lisenssin oston yhteydessä on mahdollista hankkia tuotteille myös ylläpitosopimus. Kahden vuoden mittainen ylläpitosopimus oikeuttaa uusien ohjelmistoversioiden käyttöönottoon.
Lisensseinä hankitut ohjelmat saa käyttöönsä helposti imuroimalla ne valmistajan -sivustolta.
Corel oppilaitoslisenssit

Corel CASL -lisenssi on järkevä hankinta kaikille korkeakouluille ja koulutuskuntayhtymille: Yksi kattava lisenssi, jossa on upea valikoima ohjelmistoja, jotka voitte asentaa kaikkiin koneisiinne henkilökunnan käyttöä myöten. Osa suomenkielisinä vaikka kaikkiin kunnan kouluihin. Kampuslisenssi lasketaan henkilökunnan FTE luvun mukaan.

Corel CASL Standard sisältää: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, PaintShop Pro, Painter, VideoStudio Lite & PDF Fusion

Corel CASL Premium sisältää: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, PaintShop Pro, Painter, VideoStudio Lite, PDF Fusion, CorelCAD & CorelDRAW Technical Suite

COREL on uudistanut akateemiset lisenssit!

Corel Academic Site Licence

Corel CASL -lisenssi on järkevä hankinta kaikille korkeakouluille ja koulutuskuntayhtymille: Yksi kattava lisenssi, jossa upea valikoima ohjelmistoja, jotka voitte asentaa kaikkiin koneisiinne henkilökunnan käyttöä myöten. Osa suomenkielisinä vaikka kaikkiin kunnan kouluihin. Lisenssit sisältävät laajan valikoiman Corelin ammattitason grafiikkaa, multimediaa ja muita hyödyllisiä tuotteita!


Premium lisenssi sisältää:
  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
  • PaintShop Pro
  • Painter
  • VideoStudio Lite
  • PDF Fusion
  • CorelCAD
  • CorelDRAW Technical Suite
Standard lisenssi sisältää:
  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
  • PaintShop Pro
  • Painter
  • VideoStudio Lite
  • PDF Fusion

Ominaisuudet ja edut

Corel Academic Site Lisenssi on 1 tai 3 vuotta kestävä tilauslisenssi edullisilla hinnoilla

  • Valitse joko 1 vuoden tai 3 vuoden sopimus
  • Buy Out -optio käytettävissä. (ainoastaan 3 vuoden sopimuksissa)
  • Sisältää päivityssuojan, joka antaa pääsyn uusimpiin tuotteisiin ilman lisämaksua
  • Sisältää puhelin- ja sähköpostituen nimetyille ylläpitäjille
  • Verkkokoulutus ja opetussuunnitelmaresursseja
  • Maksuton Media kit
  • Sisältää myös henkilökunnan kotikäytön

Henkilökunnan (FTE)

Yläaste, Lukio, Ammattikoulu ja Korkeakoulu Alle 500
Korkeakoulu ja Yliopisto 500 - 1999
Korkeakoulu ja Yliopisto 2000 - 3999
Korkeakoulu ja Yliopisto 4000 tai enemmän


Classroom License

Peruskouluille, lukioille ja ammatillisille oppilaitoksille on tarjottavissa yksittäisen tuotteen luokkahuonelisenssi (15 oppilastyöasemaa + 1 opettajan työasema).

  • käyttöoikeus yhdessä luokkatilassa
  • luokkalisenssi on omistuksellinen, ei sis. päivitysturvaa
  • koulu voi ostaa useamman (max 4 kpl) luokkalisenssin eri tiloihin
  • tarpeen mukaan voi hankkia lisälisenssejä konekohtaisina, omistuksellisina CTL-lisenssinä
  • suuremmissa tarpeissa kannattaa harkita koulukohtaisen CASL-lisenssin hankinta

Tarjolla olevat ohjelmistot:

  • CorelCAD Classroom License 15+1
  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Classroom License 15+1
  • CorelDRAW Technical Suite Classroom License 15+1
  • PaintShop Pro Classroom License 15+1
  • Painter Classroom License 15+1
  • Pinnacle Studio Classroom Licence 15 + 1
  • VideoStudio Pro Classroom License 15+1

Education License Eligibility

To purchase education versions of shrink-wrapped software, or take advantage of the Corel Education License Program, purchasers must be one of the following: accredited schools, faculties, full- or part-time registered students, academic supervisory organizations, hospitals, libraries, museums, or non-profit charitable and religious organizations.

The aforementioned categories for eligibility for education pricing are further described as:

Accredited Schools
Institutions may be either publicly or privately owned.

  • Preschools
  • Elementary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Vocational schools
  • Correspondence schools
  • Junior colleges
  • Colleges
  • Universities, or scientific or technical institutes recognized by the appropriate ministry or department of education

K – 12 Educators, Vocational, College or University Faculty
Proof of current employment is required.

  • Faculty and/or staff members (full- or part-time) of any accredited school
  • Registered and/or state-recognized home educators providing primary or secondary education


  • Full- or part-time registered students. Valid photo student identification is required if purchasing through a Corel Authorized Education Reseller. If a photo ID is not available, then two pieces of ID are required.

Supervisory Organizations

  • Boards of education
  • Ministries of education
  • School district administrative offices
  • State departments of education


  • All hospitals. Health Management Organizations (HMO) and headquarters are excluded


  • All public and school libraries (publicly or privately funded) providing not-for-profit library services to a community, region or district

Educational Consortia and Systems

  • Corporations and associations validly organized and existing under the laws of a state, province or territory


  • Permanent public or private non-profit agencies or institutions organized for educational, aesthetic or cultural purposes
  • Must own or use objects for exhibition to the general public on a permanent and regular basis
  • Must collect, preserve, study, interpret, assemble and exhibit objects and specimens of educational and cultural value, including artistic, scientific (animate or inanimate), historical and technological material, to the public for its instruction and enjoyment

Nonprofit Charitable Organizations

  • Charitable organizations not affiliated with a profit-making company or organization. In the U.S., refer to IRS Tax Exemption 501 (c)(3). In Canada, refer to Revenue Canada Income Tax Act, Section 149.1 on charities

Religious Organizations

  • Any religious body considered charitable under provincial, state or country laws. In the U.S., refer to IRS Tax Exemption 501 (c)(3)
  • The organization's beliefs and practices must not be considered subversive or immoral by the courts or laws of the province, state or country

Congregation members or parishioners are not eligible for academic pricing. Organizations must present proof of charitable or non-rofit status and a completed Corel Non-profit and Charitable Organization Request Form to any Corel Authorized Academic Reseller.

Terms and Conditions
Organizations must be able to show proof of eligibility and applicable accreditation if requested by Corel or a Corel Authorized Education Reseller. It is Corel's sole discretion to accept or decline the applicant. Any issues or concerns regarding the preceding definitions shall be resolved at Corel's discretion. All software must be used for internal administrative or educational instruction purposes only. Products may not be resold, donated or used as a prize in any promotion.

Hankittaessa Corelin volyymilisenssi ylläpitosopimuksella on asiakkaalla downgrade-oikeus asentaa tarvittaessa hankitun version aikaisempi versio vaihtoehtoisesti.

Corelin asiakaspalvelu: 09-2290 6040 / 0800-113502

Do I need to remove my previous Paint Shop™ product before I install the upgraded version?
Your new upgraded Paint Shop product (Paint Shop Pro, Paint Shop Photo Album or Corel Photo Album) doesn't install over or update your previous version. When you purchase an upgrade, you're getting a completely separate program.
Note: beginning with PSPX and Corel Photo Album 6, you must leave the previous version installed until you have completed the upgrade installation (PSPX or CPA6). After the upgrade installation, you may remove the previous version.
To install your new product, insert the CD or double click on the downloaded file and follow the prompts.
If you wish to uninstall your previous version, you may do so at your leisure.
This can be done by going to Start | Control Panel and running Add/Remove programs. Look under Jasc for previous product listings in Add/Remove program list.

Corel product compatibility

Corel is already making news as a leading developer of Windows® 7 software, and we are committed to ensuring that all our core products work on this newest Microsoft® operating system. We continue to work closely with Microsoft to ensure consumers maximize their Windows 7 experience.

The following Corel products work on Windows 7:

  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4
  • Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite X4
  • Digital Studio 2010
  • Home Office
  • MovieWriter Pro 2010
  • MovieWriter Pro Ultimate 2010
  • Painter 11
  • Painter Essentials 4
  • Painter Sketch Pad
  • Paint it! touch
  • PaintShop Photo Express 2010
  • PaintShop Photo Pro X3 (Painter Photo Essentials included with PaintShop Pro Photo X3 is also Windows 7 compatible)
  • VideoStudio Express 2010
  • VideoStudio Pro X3
  • WinDVD 2010
  • WinDVD Pro 2010
  • WinZip 14
  • WordPerfect Office X4

These products have been tested and have no known major issues when running on Windows 7. They will provide a similar experience to the same product running on Windows Vista® or previous operating systems. New Windows 7 features may or may not be supported, depending on the product. Please make sure that you have installed the latest service pack for any product you are running on Windows 7.

How is Corel working to support Windows 7 compatibility going forward?

In addition to making sure our major product lines run on Windows 7, we are also working closely with PC partners to ensure that our latest versions of software are available on Windows 7-equipped PCs.

"Microsoft is proud to recognize Corel as the Global ISV Consumer Partner of the Year [2009]. Corel has delivered a broad and innovative portfolio of consumer software based on Microsoft technologies," said Corinne Sharp, National Director, Partner Channel, Microsoft Canada. "Corel is developing its next generation of creative consumer products for the Windows 7 platform to build on features such as Windows Touch, Jump Lists and Libraries."

Patches and Updates

Corel® Signs Definitive Agreement to Acquire Roxio® Business from Rovi Corporation
Corel Expands Digital Media Product Line on Windows® and Mac® with Popular Titles Including Roxio® Creator® and Roxio® Toast®
CES – Las Vegas, Nevada – January 12, 2012
Corel® today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the Roxio® product line from Rovi Corporation. With this deal, Corel will expand its product portfolio to include Roxio’s broad range of digital media and security solutions. The acquisition includes Roxio® Creator®, the industry’s most popular digital media suite and Roxio® Toast®, the leading optical burning software on the Mac® platform. The deal is expected to close in February. Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.
There are both technology and business advantages to this acquisition. From a technology perspective, Corel will draw upon the complementary video, photo, audio, and disc burning technologies found in both Roxio and Corel software to deliver even more capabilities to users and further enhance the customer experience offered across Corel’s product portfolio.
From a business perspective, Corel will take advantage of its well-established global infrastructure to dramatically broaden distribution of Roxio products into new international markets. Moreover, the company sees significant opportunities in combining the strengths of Corel’s and Roxio’s established retail and direct sales channels, OEM relationships, and large customer bases.
“We’re excited about this deal for a number of reasons, most notably the fact thatupon completion of the acquisition, we will be able to offer our customers a wider range of products, both in our digital media and WinZip product lines,” said Shawn Cadeau, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing at Corel. “Roxio has a large install base, with over 350 million units sold worldwide, and our products are offered through similar channels spanning retail, direct, OEM and enterprise sales. On the digital media side, we will have a full blown multimedia suite and a new offering on the Mac platform. For WinZip, we will be able to further expand our suite of tools, with new data protection and security software.”
Acquired Roxio Titles Further Expand Corel’s Product Portfolio
Upon completion of the acquisition, Corel will own the Roxio product line, including the following well-known titles:
  • Roxio Creator – Software to enhance, preserve, capture and share your digital media
  • Roxio Toast – The ultimate multi-media toolkit for your Mac
  • Roxio Toast – The ultimate multi-media toolkit for your Mac
  • Roxio® Game Capture – Software to record your PC and console game play
  • Roxio® Easy VHS to DVD – Preserve irreplaceable memories by transferring them to DVD
  • Roxio® CinePlayer® DVD Decoder – Watch your favorite DVDs on Windows Media Player
  • Roxio® CinePlayer® DVD Decoder – Watch your favorite DVDs on Windows Media Player
  • Roxio® BackOnTrack™ Suite – Complete media protection solution that automatically keeps your memories safe and protects your PC from both hardware and software disasters
  • Roxio® Secure – Powerful encryption for optical media and USB flash drives
Softa SuperStore
Softa SuperStore
Softa SuperStore